The thesis is unfinished by the PR department of the Cortical System Factory
Hybrid began as an exercise in a dynamic group.
It was an excuse to try and establish a group identity, similar to other groups and so-called artistic projects, a group identity that has always been quickly dismantled and broken by centrifugal forces in the real life environment.
Many resumes reveal this unprecedented “zerrissenheit” between group and individual shows and other self-promoting events of public and private shows. Suddenly, under domestic pressure, under inhomogeneous conditions, many of the groups: the above-mentioned divided and lost the unit found.
In the current view, rupture is seen as a sign of weakness, made to lose its internal cohesion, a kind of rotting or disintegration of the main body. The first break scenes are recognized and highlighted in the memoirs and the HIBRID ACTION manifesto (flyers, video clips, photos, posters and other prints). Deliberately called in unfinished connections, Hybrid forms become a mark of group cohesion. HIBRID means keeping in touch with the natural disintegration of social bodies by proposing a Frankenstein overview as long as their individual cells are the main actors of group dynamics.
All group activities are independent and take into account the location of the participants. Distances may increase over time as continental ruptures and economic pressures can determine such locations. However, the group still works as long as electronic contact or other forms of communication replace the immediate closeness of stringing of the hand. Some of the members even chose to live on their own in other continents, their families, their spiritual fathers in their retired country, their newly born children or their urban neighborhoods. These do not affect (at least in practice) hybrid relationships with their work, with life or other collaborative projects. They never seek their disappearance from the city scene. Their disappearance is an act inspired by the great Harry Houdini (I874-I926).
They do not look for their names in the press as long as they are constantly hidden; they regulate the dynamics of the group. There will be (and should always be) webmaster and layout.
Stefan Tiron / art theorist